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 STEP 2: A Basic Setup 

Now that we have our power source ready, let's start building a basic circuit!

An arrow points to the female connector that sinks in on the LED block.

Female Connector
sinks in

An arrow points to the male connector side that sticks out on the SPEAKER block.

Male Connector

sticks out

Select either the LED or SPEAKER block. Can you feel how one side sinks in while the other side sticks out?

The side that sticks out is called the male connector, while the side that sinks in is called the female connector.

When building your circuit, you should only join a female connector to a male connector, not female to female or male to male.

Now pick up the POWER block and figure out if it's a female or male connector. Then you can try attaching the LED or SPEAKER block you chose to the POWER block.


Opposites Attract


The LED Block and Power Block have snapped together!

Magnets should attract

If done correctly, the magnets should snap together and hold the two blocks together securely. You will also hear the SPEAKER beep once or the LED flash once when it first connects to power.


Grab the NUMBER block. It has a dial on top which you can rotate to point at different values.


The NUMBER block has a male connector. Add it to what you've built so far.

This is either SPEAKER or LED.

As you rotate the connected NUMBER block, watch or listen as the LED or SPEAKER changes in brightness or pitch.

It works because the NUMBER block sends a value between 0 through 10 to the LED or SPEAKER.

As you turn the dial, the NUMBER block updates the SPEAKER or LED with the new value it's set to.


The SPEAKER converts the received number into a sound frequency. A low value makes a low pitch while a high value makes a high pitch.

The LED converts the received number into the level of brightness. A low value makes a low glow while a high value makes a high glow.

Remember this! The male connectors always send data, and the female connectors always receive data.


That is why the NUMBER block has one male connector. It is only in charge of sending data.

Male Connector

sends data

Female Connector

receives data

You can follow the path that the connectors point to figure out which way data is traveling!

Challenge Yourself!

Can you control both the LED and SPEAKER blocks at the same time with the same NUMBER block?

Hint: The LED and SPEAKER blocks send the value they receive to the next block connected.



 STEP 1 


 Choose a power source 

 STEP 3 


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